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Intellectual Property Protection

Instrumental to the ongoing success of any business is protecting the intellectual property (IP) it creates. IP violations have grown over the last few decades from a localised issue to a multibillion dollar market run by sophisticated criminal gangs.   


Adopting the right strategy to implement and maintain IP protection is critical. This can be a daunting task for many businesses.


Moylan Consulting has worked with clients across all business sectors to formulate just such strategies and have them fully implemented. Our senior IP consultants have drawn from both past successes and failures thereby ensuring we keep ahead of the curve.


Our team maintains excellent links with enforcement agencies such as police and customs as well as specialized government departments such as trading standards, health, food safety and others.

What we offer:
  • IP Protection Program Design


  • Market Surveys


  • IP Infringement Investigations


  • Parallel Import Detection


  • E-commence IP Infringement Monitoring


  • Enforcement Action


  • Case Management


  • IP Protection Training


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